Who we are? Read our Story

Aasra Foundation THIS DECLARATION of Trust is made in the city of New Delhi on this 8th Day of Aug. 2014, by Santosh Kumar Singh S/O Late Shri Jila Jeet Singh resident of 23 MS Ext. Mohan Garden Uttam New Delhi -110059 hereinafter called the founder/selttler (which expession shall unless excluded by or repugnant to the context, be deemed to include his respective heirs, excutors, admin istratores, assigns and representative) for the prupose of creating a trust under Indian Trust Act 1882.

The Settlor is desirous of declaring, creating and establishing a Trust for fulilling the objects of the presents trust and also to engage in public charitable activities for the benefit of the society/ Public at large, for which purposes the objectives have been laid down in this deed.

For the purposes of carring out the objectives of the trust, following persons including the above named Settlor have agreed to act as the firs Lifetime Trustees (hereinafter collectively referred ti as the 'First Board of Management) of this Trust and for this purpose they have taken on them willingly the responsibility and obligation entrested upon them as per this deed for the effective running and management of the trust so ans ot achieve the aims and objectives of this trust.

The Settlor has given a corpus donation of Rs. 1100/- (Rupees One Thousand One Hundred Only) to the trust, to be placed with the trst under the charge of above mentioncend trustees so as to commence the activities of the trust. The trustees hereby acknowledge the receipt of the fund.

In consonance with the above desire of settlor and with a view to securing proper and permanent administration of the trust by these Liftime Trustees appointed hereby it is considered advisable to execute a formal written Deed of Trust specifying certain terms and conditions for administration and also the Power and Obligation of the Lifetime Trustees as well as other matters in connection with the activities of the trust.

Aasra Foundation NGO
Dr. Santosh Kumar Singh

CEO & Founder

We at AASRA foundation is a Social development sector ngo for helping and caring the needy people in the society. We provide support to the women in terms of skilling them to earn their livelihood and make them stand on their feet's It result in uplifting the financial status in the society. We also intervene in the life of young people to equip them with night skill which make them confident and self-sustained. In continuation to our efforts we work for the elderly population to bring them in the main stream of the society who have been sidelined in the development race. We give them health support by organizing health camps and getting them checked for any old age ailments. To continue our efforts we need your support and guidance.

Aasra Foundation NGO
Mr. Shilwant Singh


We at AASRA foundation is a social improvement quarter ngo for assisting and worrying the needy humans inside the society. We offer support to the girls in phrases of skilling them to earn their livelihood and cause them to stand on their ft's it bring about uplifting the financial popularity within the society. We also interfere in the lifestyles of young human beings to equip them with night time talent which make them confident and self-sustained. In continuation to our efforts we paintings for the elderly populace to carry them inside the major circulate of the society who've been sidelined inside the improvement race. We supply them fitness help by using organizing health camps and getting them checked for any antique age ailments. To continue our efforts we need your assist and steerage.

Aasra Foundation NGO
Mrs. Rakhi


We at AASRA foundation is a Social development sector ngo for helping and caring the needy people in the society. We provide support to the women in terms of skilling them to earn their livelihood and make them stand on their feet's It result in uplifting the financial status in the society. We also intervene in the life of young people to equip them with night skill which make them confident and self-sustained. In continuation to our efforts we work for the elderly population to bring them in the main stream of the society who have been sidelined in the development race. We give them health support by organizing health camps and getting them checked for any old age ailments. To continue our efforts we need your support and guidance.


What we do? See Our Works

Aasra Foundation Services Aasra Foundation Services Aasra Foundation Services Aasra Foundation Services Aasra Foundation Services Aasra Foundation Services Aasra Foundation Services Aasra Foundation Services Aasra Foundation Services Aasra Foundation Services Aasra Foundation Services Aasra Foundation Services Aasra Foundation Services Aasra Foundation Services Aasra Foundation Services Aasra Foundation Services Aasra Foundation Services Aasra Foundation Services Aasra Foundation Services Aasra Foundation Services Aasra Foundation Services Aasra Foundation Services Aasra Foundation Services Aasra Foundation Services Aasra Foundation Services Aasra Foundation Services Aasra Foundation Services Aasra Foundation Services Aasra Foundation Services Aasra Foundation Services