Aasra Foundation may be a noncommercial organisation that gives intensive support to education non-profits and social enterprises, serving to them solve their daily operational challenges and set up for his or her future growth. moon-faced by a scarcity of resources and experience, high-tension education organisations ar usually unable to maximise their impact.

The Aasra Foundation Accelerator program provides organisations with active steering and experience in management and programme delivery. Aasra Foundation’s support allows them to become property and impactful organisations delivering prime quality programmes on the bottom. Since 2014, Aasra Foundation has reached bent on over twenty 500 underclass kids and youth through twenty four educations non-profits and social enterprises.

OBJECTIVE The Object of the Trust for which the same is estabilished is to carry following activities confined to India shores:-

  • To provide finacial as well as other support utilizing trust fund/property for education treatment etc of family beneficiary during the continuance of trust on a to case basic as decided by board of management.
  • To provide financial as well as other support utilizing trust fund/property for marriage and other social and religious funtions of family beneficiary during continuance of trust on a case to case basis as decided by board of management.
  • To give on lease the movable and immovoble properties to institutions which are running for public charitable purpose on non commercial consideration. In case of leasing to non-profit pulic charitable institutio the rent may be a token rent having no comparison to market rent. In all other case the leasing must be on market rent.
  • To donate movable and immovable properties including cash to insitution which are running for public charitable purposes.
  • To establish, run & maintain school, college or other educational insitution at one or more locations throghout the rerritory of Inida for providing education.
  • To run maintain or assist any other educational or other institution for coaching guidance, counseling or vacational training.
  • To constitute and give scholarships to poor and deserving studendts to enable then to continue their studies and to give concession for fees and other charges including hostel fees or reimbursement of costs of books, instruments and other educational aids for their educational pursuits.
  • To help establishment of students' hostel or to give other assistance for poor and deserving students to find inexpensive living accommodation to enable them to prosecute their studies.
  • To constitute prizes for outstanding achievement of students in education intitutions either in the examinations, sports, general knowledge or such other proficiencies.
  • To give loans at nil or subsidized low rate of interest to students or their parents ot enable the students to prosecute studies.
  • To establish, run & maintain dedical institutions, nursing homes or clinics at one or more locations throughout the territory of India for providing health services.
  • To establish, run & maintain insitutions offering and professional courses in one or more disciplines.
  • To give assistance to needy and indigent persons for meeting the cost of medical treatment.
  • To give financial or other assistance in cash or kind such as distribution of meals for the poor and indigent.
  • To establish, run & maintain old age homes at one or more locations throughout the territory of India for providing abode to old age people.
  • To undertake above and other incidental activities for the fulfillment of objectives listed above.


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